Monday, May 18, 2009

New Phase

Jed completed his last week of class, and is now officially P3 status (Pharmacy Student, 3rd year). It is bittersweet to see all the friends we've made go onto their sites. Jed was assigned his first block to be in Corvallis. After that onto Mcminville, Lincoln City, Newport, and then Ketchikan.
I am fortunate to have a husband that will sacrifice commuting in the car 5 hours a day so that we can stay in beloved Portland!

We are staying busy with gymnastics, swimming lessons, and Tiny Tots preschool. Collin is such a trooper. He is content just being held while watching Natalie do her various activities.

As for growth, Collin is now 5 lbs. less than Natalie. He is starting to crawl and just recently decided to roll over. He loves sweet potatoes and bananas, and dislikes apples and pears...just like his mom!

With the nice weather we were able to go to Seaside and Falcon Cove with our friends the Sharps (Nattie's BFF).

Monday, February 16, 2009

Oh the Joy!

Just like journal entries, blogging can be a remind of how time flies faster than expected.
Here is a small recap of the last 2 months:
Jed turned 30! We celebrated his party at Coyote Bar & Grill with 20+ friends. He surprised everyone by showing them his new "haircut" to signify the momentous occasion.

Next, we bought a minivan! Although I look 22, actually am 26, I am already in the "soccer mom" stage. It is great being able to fit more than 2 adults and 2 carseats when going to our favorite toddler hot-spots.

Natalie & Collin are growing so much...well Collin more than Natalie. But that is no surprise, as she is still a head shorter than her friends. Collin just turned 4 months and is wearing 6-9 month clothes already and weighs almost 15 lbs.
He is so smiley, especially in the morning. Both dimples come out and his whole face lights up.
He has started laughing and is now ticklish. We love trying to get him to squeal when nibbling on his neck or shoulder. Natalie refers these triggers as "tickle spots".

Not to get overly personal, but we do not teach Natalie ALL anatomy of our bodies to avoid any embarrassing moments of pointing and commenting on others. Now that Collin is here, and I am nursing, Natalie is getting more interested in how that process works. So...she simply refers to that part of the female body as their "milks". Now she feels it is important to nursing her doll "Willa", along with other motherly duties.

Here is the kiddos (and Willa) enjoying some "tummy time".